Our values
Reducing CO2 in mobility
Created in 2022, CirculaCar has enshrined in its statutes a commitment to cleaner mobility through the circular economy and extending the lifespan of vehicles. In France the transport sector is the largest source of CO2 emissions, accounting for 31%.
We are convinced that it is necessary toincrease the share of the circular economy in the automotive market to make vehicles environmentally sustainable and economically accessible.
Electric conversion is a real decarbonization solution in mobility. Converting a utility vehicle to electric saves 56% of greenhouse gas emissions compared to buying a new vehicle, saving10 tons of CO2 emissions for an average use of 10 years and 10,000 km/year.
Air pollution also causes 40,000 deaths per year in France, converting to electric also eliminates emissions of harmful NOx for health.

"The automotive industry is one of the few sectors where it is currently recommended to buy new to preserve the planet instead of extending the lifespan of existing vehicles. It is from this observation that CirculaCar was born."
Geoffrey Pauwels – Cofondateur de CirculaCar

"Our conversion kits are a real ecological and economical alternative for all craftsmen or communities wishing to keep their vehicles and wanting to travel in city centers!"
Edouard Nicolaÿ – Cofondateur de CirculaCar